To do so you need credit card. But now a days using credit through internet is dangerous for user. Because there are several hacker who will hack your credit card. So what to do??
Will you stop earning from internet??
No! !
I am not saying to stop earning. There are several media who will transfer your money to your bank or local area through DHL, Curier etc.
Some reliable website media for online money transfer.
1. Paypal : It is more secure and reliable for user. To create an account in paypal you just need a bank account or credit card (here you can give little details of your credit card to paypal). When you earn money from other website which support paypal, then you can directly transfer your money to your paypal account. Paypal will cut some ammount of money , approximately 3-4$ . If you give your bank account link to paypal, then you can directly transfer your money from paypal to your bank account.
N:B: All the countries of the world do not allow paypal.

What will you do ?? If you can not register for paypal account from your country??
Don't upset here is another media which might allow your country. And it is Alert Pay.
2. Alert Pay : It is also like paypal account. But it support maximum countries. It's varification is also easy. If you created an starter(basic) account you just need to varify your account by uploading your two document.
a) You ID card b) Phone bill
N:B: Maximum PTC (paid through click) site allow Alert Pay.